Objective To analysize the accuracy of CT-guided pereutaneous transthoratic fine needle aspriation biosy of solitary pulmonary nodules. Methods Selected 14 patients with negative transbronchial biopsy and sputum cytology who underwent CT-guided transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy of solitary lung nodules, included 10 men and 4 women. Average age is 49.3. After thin-slide scanning and localization with Siemens Somatom HiQ computed tomorgraphy, the pulmonary nodules were biopsied with a 16, 18 or 20 Gauge needle guided by a ruler especially designed. Followed fixation, embedding and HE staining, biopsy materials were used for histopathologic examination. Results Eleven pulmonary nodules were proved to be malignant and 3 benign. Except for I case who was minor hemoptysis, there weren't complications such as pneumothorax, pulmonary hemorrhage. Conclusion CT-guided pereutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy is performed in peripheral solitary pulmonary nodules, which are not easily diagnosed or accessible to fibrobronchoscopes. CT-guided pereutaneous transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy is safe and quick for diagnosis with high accuracy for peripheral pulmonary nodules which are usually negative in sputum examination and bronchoscopy. This technic should be widely used as routine in the diagnosis of lung neoplasms.
Modern Medicine Journal of China
Pulmonary nodules CT-guided Needle biopsy