

Comparative Analysis of Characteristics of HA_1 Gene of Subtype A_3 Influenza Viruses and Influenza Vaccine Strain Recommended by WHO
摘要 目的 了解浙江省流感病毒变异情况和WHO推荐流感疫苗株对我省人体的保护情况。方法 对浙江省近两年分离到的甲3型流感病毒进行核酸提取、病毒血凝素HA,基因核苷酸序列测定,与WHO推荐疫苗株进行对比。结果 近两年分离到的甲3型流感病毒株HA1区域的核苷酸序列长度均为987bp,未发现核苷酸的丢失和插入,相应的点突变率为0.8~1.3%,推导的氨基酸序列长度均为329个。2003年分离的毒株与同期WHO推荐使用的疫苗株A/Moscow/10/99相比,核苷酸同源性只有95.6%。95.9%,氨基酸总变异达20个,发生在抗原决定簇A、B区的有6个位点。2004年分离的毒株与同期WHO推荐使用的疫苗株A/fujtan/411/2002(A/Kumamoto/102/2002,A Wyoming/3/2003)相比,核苷酸同源性达98.6%~99.1%,仅发生3~6个氨基酸的变异,基因进化树上,我省2003、2004年分离的毒株都属于同一类性状的毒株,与2004年WHO推荐疫苗株接近,远离2003年推荐疫苗株。结论我省甲3型流感病毒的抗原性已发生漂移。2003年WHO推荐使用的流感疫苗株对我省甲3型流感的预防效果不够理想,2004年推荐使用的疫苗株对我省甲3型流感的预防效果较好。 Objective To study the variation of influenza viruses in Zhejiang province and protective effect of the vaccine strain recommend by WHO, Methods RNAs of subtype A3 influenza viruses isolated in 2003 ~ 2004 were extracted. Then HAl region of the viruses was sequenced and compared with vaccine strain recommended by WHO. Results Nucleotides of HA1 region of influenza viruses isolated in 2003 ~ 2004 were both 987bp long. Neither deletion nor insertion was found in nucleotides. And Point mutation rate was 0.8% ~ 1.3%. The strain isolated in 2003 had only 95.6% ~ 95.9% identity in nuclectide sequence compared with A/Moscow/10/99 vaccine strain recommended by WHO at that time. Twenty amino acids changed accordingly, six of which located in the antigenic determinant sites A and B. The strain isolated in 2004 had 98.6% ~ 99.1% identity in nucleotide sequence compared with A/Fujian/411/2002 vaccine strain recommended by WHO at that time and only 3 ~ 6 amino acid had changed. In the phylogenic tree, the strains isolated in 2003 and 2004 belonged to the same type, which were similar to the vaccine strain recommended by WHO in 2004 and different from the vaccine strain recommended by WHO in 2003. Conclusion Antigenic drift of influenza viruses A3 of Zhejiang province has occurred, Preventive effect of vaccine strain recommended by WHO in 2004 will be superior to the vaccine strain recommended by WHO in 2003.
出处 《浙江预防医学》 2006年第9期1-3,共3页 Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(398498)
关键词 流感病毒 甲3型 血凝素基因 核苷酸序列 Influenza viruses Subtype A3 HA gene Nucleotide sequence
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