NVOD(Near V ideo on Demand,准视频点播)是有线数字电视增值业务的一个重要组成部分,它主要由视频服务器和DVB(D igitalV ideo Broadcasting)前端的其他设备如复用传输系统、条件接收系统、节目制作系统等以及一些终端设备构成。介绍基于有线数字电视的NVOD系统的原理及系统构成,通过一个实例重点介绍NVOD相关的SI信息的生成和接收方法。
NVOD is an important part of DVB- C value-added services,which is constitutive of video server and other front equipments of the DVB such as Multiplexing making system. In this paper, we introduce the theory and the transmission system, CA system and programstructure of NVOD system based on CATV, and mainly talk about the way to create and receive SI information about NVOD service through an example.
China Digital Cable TV