

Progress on Y-chromosomal Histocompatibility Antigens
摘要 雄性特异性抗原为雄性动物特有,是引起同种雌性动物免疫排斥反应的物质的总称。这类物质广泛存在于哺乳动物及其他脊椎动物。依据其检测方式的不同,可分为细胞毒性T细胞相关性雄性特异性抗原和血清学相关性雄性特异性抗原。目前,已初步确定了几个细胞毒性T细胞相关性雄性特异性抗原的候选基因及抗原肽序列,它们都位于Y染色体上。对于血清学相关性雄性特异性抗原的研究则还处于初级阶段。近年发现了细胞毒性T细胞相关性雄性特异性抗原的抗体,揭示此两类物质具有内在的联系。 Y-chromosomal histocompatibility antigens are male-specific. It can couse immune response in female mammalian. H-Y antigens are discovered in mammalian and other non-mammalian vertebrates. It can be classified into two kinds by different methods:T-cell mediated cytolysis and antiserum cytotoxicity. In recent years, some candidate genes of H-Y antigen were discovered. They are all located in Y chromosome. Serologically detected male antigens have not been extensively characterized. The antibodies of Tcell mediated cytolysis H-Y antigen show that there have some relations between two kinds of H-Y antigens, but the relations has remained rather speculative.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 2006年第8期43-46,共4页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 雄性特异性抗原 性别鉴定 Y-chromosomal histocompatibility antigens sex-identification
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