The effects induced by lead on the neurobehavioral functions in workers werestudied in this paper. 30 workers in a smeltery and 53 workers in a batterystorage factory engaged in the lead operation were chosen as a high exposuregroup and a low exposure group, respectively. 33 workers not exposed to occupationallyharmful factors were chosen as a control group. all subjects were tested withWHO Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery (WHO NCTB). Meanwhile, the levels of Pb-Bof the subjects were analysed with atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The resultsshowed that the changes of the neurobehavioral functions in the exposed workerswere found when an average level of the Pb-B was about at 19.8μg/dl. There wasa definite correlation between the levels of Pb-B and some neurobehavioral effects.As compared with the control group, the exposed workers were apt to the fatigue,tension and confusion. The performances of the reaction time, manual dexterity andBenton visual retention were significantly poorer than those of the results indicatedthat the examination of the neurbehavioral functions was very useful for the earlydetection of lead neurotoxicity.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
Lead Neurobehavior Dose-effect relationship