

Distributed CA for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
摘要 提出了一个基于门限和椭圆曲线算法的SFDCA(Security Framework of D istributed CA)安全框架结构。SFDCA中采用了分布式CA的安全机制、门限密钥管理、椭圆曲线算法、基于设备资源的选举算法和动态网络分簇思想。分布式CA和门限密钥管理的应用增加了系统的安全性和容错性;椭圆曲线算法的应用减少了对移动节点性能的要求;分簇算法的应用减少了对节点容量的要求;基于资源的选举算法的应用提高了系统的签名效率,同时有利于设备资源利用的负载平衡。 In this paper, we proposed a Security Framework of Distributed CA for Manet (Mobile Ad hoc Networks). The key elements of the framework are : distributed CA based on threshold cryptosystem which can provide a highly secure and highly available. The application of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) which is appropriate for mobile nodes with limited computational power. A scheme for dynamically partitioning the network into smaller clusters of nodes based on nodal mobility which can reduce the storage of node. A scheme for election based on the resource which can improve the efficiency of distributed signature and be favor of the system load balance of the usage of device resorce.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期213-215,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 航空基金资助项目(04C52009 05F2037) 国家"十五"预研基金资助项目(41801150201)
关键词 移动自组网 门限算法 分布式签名 椭圆曲线算法 Manet Threshold Cryptography Distributed Signature Elliptic Curve Cryptography
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