目的 探讨庚型肝炎病毒(GBvirusC)感染对慢性肝炎发生发展的影响及临床意义。方法 采用免疫组化方法对143例慢性肝炎患者肝组织标本进行GBvirusC非结构蛋白5(NS5)抗原的检测,结合组织学改变进行分析。结果 慢性肝炎肝组织中GBvirus C总检出率为24.5%,其中单纯GBvirus C感染占11.9%;单纯GBvirus C感染和病原不明组炎症活动度程度较轻,只有8.9%达到3~4级,显著低于HBV/HCV感染病例和GB virus C& HBV/HCV混合感染组(26.5%)。结论 GB virus C的致病性值得怀疑或者仅具有较弱的致病性,GB virus C可能不是慢性肝炎的主要致病因子,它和HBV/HCV混合感染并不加重肝损害程度,不影响慢性肝炎的发生发展。
Objective To investigate the role of hepatitis G virus (GB virus C) in the etiology of chronic hepatitis and its impact on the course of chronic hepatitis. Methods Biopsy of liver tissues from one hundred and fortythree patients with chronic hepatitis was detected for GB virus C non-structure 5 antigen (NS5 Ag) by immunohistochemistry, the pathological results were analyzed. Results In chronic hepatitis, the total positive rate of GB virus C NS5 Ag in liver tissues was 24.5 %, and 11.3% was infected by GB virus C alone. The majority of patients infected with GB virus C alone or unknown etiology had mild liver inflammation, only 8.9% was defined as grade 3- 4, which was significantly lower than that in chronic hepatitis B or C polyinfected or not polyinfected with GB virus C (26.5%o). Conclusion The pathogenicity of GB virus C is doubtful. GB virus C may not be one of the main pathogenic agents of chronic hepatitis. Polyinfected with GB virus C does not worsen the liver damage caused by HBV or HCV and does not affect the course of chronic hepatitis.
Clinical Focus