The author of this artical performed a matched-pair examination for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in venous blood of 100 parturients and cord blood of 100 neonates, finally finding that 54 of the mothers and 52 of the infants showed positive reaction (the positive rate was 54% and 52% respectively) and that mother and infant being positive in pairs showed a paired positive rate of 96.296%. Meanwhile, it was noticed that in the antenatal care cards of 100 parturients, 60 cases were normal, but 34 of them turned positive at in-trapartum time (redetectable rate: 56.67%); 4 abnormal in their cards, and all of four remained positive in intrapurtum examination (100%); 36 not examined before admission, arid 16 of them were positive in intrapartum test (44.44%). The above data indicates a high risk of mother-infant transmission of HBV. In order to improve thequality of perinatal care for mother and infant, and to prevent intrapartum cross infection of HBV.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Mother-infant transmission, Early screening.