
mesh结构NoC的时钟网络研究 被引量:1

A Mixed-Architecture Clock Network of the Mesh NoC(Network on Chip)
摘要 分析了m esh结构N oC的3种时钟网络,针对同步时钟网络瞬时功耗大,非对称瀑布网络(w aterfall)和对称瀑布网络通信延迟大的弊端,提出并设计了一种混合结构的时钟网络。并以4×4混合结构时钟网络为例,计算得出该时钟网络的最大通信延迟为非对称瀑布网络的12.5%,局部单方向数据流的通信延迟约为对称瀑布网络的25%,芯片的瞬时功耗约为同步时钟网络的50%。 Purpose. We propose a novel mixed-architecture clock network in order to make its power dissipation less than that of a synchronized one and to make its communication delays much less than those of an asymmetrical waterfall one (non-synchronous) or a symmetrical waterfall one(non-synchronous). In the full paper, we explain in detail our novel mixed-architecture clock network of the mesh NoC; here we just list the two topics of explanation. (1) mesh architecture of NoC and clock network ; subtopics are the analysis of communication delays of an asymmetrical waterfall clock network(subtopic 1.1) and analysis of communication delays of a symmetrical waterfall clock network(subtopic 1.2); under subtopic 1.1, eqs. (1) through (4) in the full paper are derived; under subtopic 1.2, eq. (5) is derived;(2) the mixed-architecture clock network; the subtopics are the analysis and design of mixed-architecture clock network (subtopic 2.1) and the communication delay model of mixed-architecture clock network (subtopic 2, 2); under subtopic 2. 2, eq. (6) is derived . For a 4 × 4 mesh NoC numerical example, its novel mixed- architecture clock network's longest communication delay is about 12.5 % of the asymmetrical waterfall's, its communication delay of the local one direction data-stream is about 25 % of the symmetrical waterfall's and its transient power dissipation is about 50% of the synchronized clock network's.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期472-476,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 NOC 时钟分布网络 WATERFALL 混合结构时钟网络 NoC(Network on Chip), clock network, waterfall clock network, mixed-architecture clock network
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