

Application of Vocational Self-efficiency Theory to Vocational Chinese Teaching
摘要 自我效能是社会认知理论中的一个重要概念。职业自我效能是自我效能理论在职业领域的具体应用,指个体对自己能否胜任与职业有关的任务或活动所具有的信念。职业自我效能建立的信息源主要包括:与职业活动有关的成败经验,替代经验,社会说服和生理、心理状态。职业技术教育在教学对象、培养目标上的特殊性以及其现实压力与偏差,决定培养职教学生职业自我效能的必要性。具体措施包括:在职教语文教学中开设综合实践活动课程,帮助学生获得成功的实践经验;在教学的实施和评价中注重体现主体性教育,保证学生获得良好的身心状态;加强教学内容的实用性和操作性,让学生学以致用。 Vocational Self-efficient Ability, which refers to the confidence and faith of an individual while working on the activities concerned with his or her own profession, is a practical application of Self-efficiency theory in vocational education studies. The information sources of an individual self-efficient ability mainly include: the experience from his or her success or failure concerned with the profession; the replacement experience; social persuasive situation, and the physical and mental condition. The teaching targets, the specific characteristics of the teaching aims, and the pressure and bias in the practical operation all determine the necessity to train the individuals' self-efficient ability.The practical measures in the Chinese teaching of vocational education are as the following:comprehensive practical curriculum to help the individuals achieve the confidence from the successful practice;subjective education in implementation and assessment to assure that the individuals obtain a sound physical and mental condition; the enhancement of practical particularity of the teaching context to make certain that the individual have an excellent operational skills.
作者 余健梅
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期122-124,共3页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 职业自我效能 成人高等教育 应用 vocational self-efficient ability adult advanced education application
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