[ Objective] To analyze the epidemiological features of bacterial food poisoning in Zhongshan and provide basis for pre- venting and controlling food poisoning. [ Methods] Retrospective epidemiological method was used to analyze the prevalence of bac- terial food poisoning from 1998 to 2004 in Zhongshan City. [ Results] There were 69 food poisoning events and 3172 poisoned persons from 1998 to 2004 in Zhongshan with an average of 46 persons in each events. The attack of food poisoning was quite seasonal, it occurred mostly in the third quarter of the year ( 59.4% ; 41 events ) , then the second quarter; the number of poisoned persons was also the most in the third quarter of the year ( 64.2% ; 2 037 persons), then the second quarter. Food poisoning mostly happened in the collective canteens, where 56 food poisoning events took place and 2567 persons were poisoned accounting for 81.2% of the food poisoning events and 80.9% of the poisoned persons. The major pathogens were the proteus and vibrio parahaemolyticus, which caused 28 and 25 food poisoning events accounting for 40. 6% and 36. 2% of the total number respectively. The poisoning foods were mostly meat or meat products (55. 1% ; 38 events) , then cold and dressed vegetable with sauce. [ Conclusion] Food poisoning in Zhongshan City in recent years mostly occurred in collective canteens, the pathogens for which were mainly proteus and vibrio parahaemolyticus. To strengthen the surveillance, improve the working staff's consciousness of hygienic security and establish the system of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point is a pivotal measure to prevent and control the occurrence of food poisoning.
Occupation and Health
Bacterial food poisoning
Epidemiological features
Preventive countermeasures