
科学作为一种知识生产制度 被引量:6

Science as an institution of knowledge production
摘要 作为知识生产制度的科学,依靠了一种非常特殊的知识产权———发现的优先权,来激励社会公共知识的生产和公开披露。这种激励机制是通过基于优先权的报酬系统来运作的。从静态的角度看,它与公开披露规范是激励相容的;但从动态的角度看,它与公开披露规范之间可能出现激励不相容的问题。为解决这个问题,发现的优先权还需要“公有主义”这种科学文化的配合,以提高知识生产的效率和加快知识的公开披露。 As an institution of knowledge production science provides a quite efficient incentive scheme for the production and disclosure of public knowledge society needs. The workings of the incentive mechanism are based on priority - based reward system. This system is incentive compatible with the norm of public disclosure from static point of view while it is not necessarily incentive compatible with the same norm from dynamic point of view.. To solve this problem, the priority of discovery needs the help of communism as the culture of science so as to increase the efficiency of knowledge production and to make the public disclosure of knowledge more quickly.
作者 王建安
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期35-38,9,共5页 Science Research Management
关键词 科学知识生产 激励机制 基于优先权的报酬系统 公有主义科学文化 scientific knowledge production incentive mechanism priority -based reward system communism as the culture ofscience
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