
地区亚文化差异及其对员工激励的影响 被引量:2

An empirical analysis on differences of regional cultures and their influences on cmployee′s worker′s motivations
摘要 管理文化对员工激励的影响虽然受到较多的关注,但目前并没有一个操作性较强的文化对员工激励影响关系框架供管理者参考。本文将视角集中于管理文化各维度对员工对激励因素的感知的影响关系,基于霍夫史台德的文化维度框架和作者对员工对激励因素的总结,选择了浙江温州地区和陕西关中地区作为两个代表性的文化区域,在对两地21家企业412名员工问卷调查的基础上,总结出五个文化维度和五个员工激励因素维度,并通过因素分析得出相关维度数据。在此基础上,进一步分析了文化与员工对激励因素感知的影响关系,得出了文化与员工对激励因素感知影响关系的一般图景。 The influences of managerial culture on employee's work motivations are regarded widely, but there isn't an exercisable framework on relations between culture and work motivations till now. In this paper, the relations between culture and work motivations are analyzed from the angle of view of the influences of culture dimensions on employee's perceptions on incentive factors, by using Hofstede's culture dimension theory and summing up of work incentive factors, the author chosed Wenzhou region in Zhejiang province and Guanzhong region in Shanxi province as two typical culture areas, surveyed on 412 employees in 21 enterprises, and got data of five culture dimensions and five incentive factors perception. And then, the author analyzed the influences of culture dimensions on incentive factors perception dimensions and got a framework of the influences of managerial culture on employee's work motivations.
作者 陈祥槐
机构地区 浙江财经学院
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期124-131,86,共9页 Science Research Management
关键词 文化维度 员工激励因素感知 温州地区 关中地区 culture dimension employee's perception on incentive factors Wenzhou region Guanzhong region
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