
天然软土一维固结压缩过程中的流变性状 被引量:1

Rheological behavior of natural soft-clay during one-dimensional consolidation
摘要 试验研究表明,天然软土在一维固结压缩过程中的流变性状主要表现在三个方面:应力~应变关系的时间效应、恒定有效应力下的蠕变引起表观前期固结压力的增加和结构屈服应力应变率效应,通过对试验结果和模型计算成果的分析,详细阐述了这三个流变性状在软土一维固结压缩过程中的作用. The relevant experiment and study show that the rheological behaviors of the natural soft-clay during one-dimensional consolidation mainly exhibit in three aspects, i.e. the time-dependent relationship between the stress and strain; the increase of the apparent pre-consolidation pressures under the creep of constant effective stress and the effect of structural yielding stressstrain rate. The effects of the three behaviors of the soft-clay under one-dimensional consolidation are described in detail herein on the basis of the analysis made on the results of both the experiment and/he modeling concerned.
出处 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期13-16,共4页 Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
基金 浙江省科研院所研究开发专项重点项目(2006F12G5050018)
关键词 固结 流变性状 结构屈服应力 表观前期固结压力 天然软土 consolidation rheological behavior structural yield stress apparent preconsolidation pressure natural soft-clay
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