

Through Reservoir Pressure Distribution Analysing Well Test Interpretation.
摘要 试井分析具有多解性,以往没有专门的技术手段对其解释结果进行可靠性评价。采用压力分布分析,将解释结果中的数据绘制成生产井和注水井(生产井)之间的井间压力分布图,检验渗透率等其它参数的准确性。通过调整压力分布图,克服试井解释的多解情况,可以准确得到地层参数、判断试井解释的可靠性。 For diversity of solution in well testing analysis,there's no special technical method to estimate the dependability of such results.Us- ing pressure distribution analysis to form the pressure distribute figure between produce well and injection well,and then to test the veracity of other parameters like permeability.According to regulating pressure distributing figure,the different result of well testing is overcome and the formation parameter is gained accurately to determine the dependability of well testing.
机构地区 西南石油大学
出处 《油气井测试》 2006年第4期17-19,共3页 Well Testing
关键词 试井 压力分布 渗透率 井间压力 well testing pressure distribution permeability pressure between wells
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