

Research on PAPR Characteristic of Multi-Tone Signals in PA Nonlinear Measurement
摘要 功率放大器(PowerAmplifier,PA)非线性特性曲线的测量,对于PA非线性的开路校正以及手持移动终端PA的线性化尤为重要。用于测量的信号源可以是具有特定制式的诸如DVB-T(DigitalVideoBroadcasting-Terrestrial)、DMB-T(Terrestrial-DigitalMultimedia/TelevisionBroadcasting)的TS(TransmissionStream)码流,也可以是多音信号。前者与制式有关,后者更具普遍性和通用性。但多音信号源存在其PAPR(Peak-to-AveragePowerRatio)与实际系统不符合的问题。本文提出了满足实际系统PAPR要求的多音信号产生方法,并推导出最大PAPR值的表达式,仿真分析证明了所提方法的有效性。 The nonlinear characteristic measurement of PA is of great importance to the PA open-loop correction and its linearization for the portable mobile terminal. Signal source for the measurement can be special format such as TS data streams in DVB-T, DMB-T standards. Multi-tone signals can be utilized as well The former are related with certain formats, while, the latter are of versatility and generality. The PAPR of multi-tone signals, however, are not accordant with that of the actual system. A multi-tone signal generation method satisfying the PAPR characteristic of the actual system requirement is proposed in this paper. The mathematic expression for the maximum PAPR value is also derived. Simulation results and the corresponding analysis demonstrate its feasibility and availability.
出处 《信息与电子工程》 2006年第4期241-246,共6页 information and electronic engineering
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2005038094)
关键词 多音信号 峰均功率比 功率放大器 非线性失真 multi-tone signals peak-to-average power ratio power amplifier nonlinear distortion
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