
低碳Si-Mn系TRIP钢的动态拉伸性能 被引量:2

Dynamic tensile characteristics of low carbon Si-Mn TRIP steels
摘要 在气动式间接杆杆型冲击拉伸实验机上对工业生产的两种低碳Si-Mn系TRIP钢不同应变率下的高速冲击拉伸性能进行了研究,并和静态拉伸性能进行了比较.结果表明,两种钢的室温拉伸性能随应变率变化具有相同趋势,但动态下的应变率敏感性比静态下的要高得多.由于TRIP钢组织中残余奥氏体的变形诱发向马氏体的转变显著改善了材料的塑性. The tensile mechanical properties of two industrial TRIP steels, K(0.091% C-1.456 % Si- 1.061 % Mn) and B(0. 134 % C-1. 525 % Si-1.226 % Mn), at high strain rate were investigated with a selfdesigned pneumatically actuating tensile impact bar-bar tester and compared to the quasistatic tensile behavior. The results showed that their tensile properties at room temperature exhibit consistent trends and are far more sensitive to strain- rate in dynamic tension than in static mode. Because the stable retained austenite in TRIP steels transformed to martensite during tensile test and the materials exhibited excellent transformation induced plasticity, the plastic deformation behaviors were evidently improved.
出处 《北京科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期635-640,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
基金 上海市教委基金资助课题(No.03K027) 上海市科委自然科学基金资助项目(No.03ZR14035)
关键词 TRIP钢 相变诱发塑性 高应变率 动态拉伸 TRIP steel transformation induced plasticity high strain rate dynamic tension
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