
浅论彰显商业道德的口碑营销 被引量:1

Good Reputation Demonstrating Business Ethics Plays a Key Role in Sales
摘要 口碑营销重新回到营销的大舞台。在口碑营销这种营销方式发展的背后,我们可以分析出目前商家需要注意的关于信息传播渠道和消费者心理的三个问题:信息超载,媒体杂乱;信息可信性降低;社会证实原理的利用。商家面对存在的问题,应该能认识这背后更为本质的东西,重视商品质量才能真正拥有消费者。 After a period of silence, word of mouth has come to the center of marketing methods again, behind which there are three points about information channels and customers psychology: overload of information and disorder of media, deterioration of trustworthiness of information, and the implication of the theory of social confirmation. Businessmen should realize the essentials along with the development of word of mouth and should focus more on quality products and service to keep customers.
作者 陈志红
出处 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期45-47,共3页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
关键词 口碑 信息传播渠道 消费者 商家 word of mouth information channels customers
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