

The treatment of the prominent ear through sewing up the ear cartilage
摘要 目的探讨修复招风耳的一种手术治疗方法。方法先设计常规定点,切开耳后皮肤、皮下组织,剥离耳软骨膜并推向两侧,在软骨上做纵行平行切口,不切透耳软骨。在软骨膜下于对耳轮嵴部行耳软骨水平褥式缝合,对耳软骨进行适当的调整,使耳软骨按设计点向后卷曲,形成外形自然的对耳轮。结果本组患者10例,均获得外形良好,自然逼真的耳郭形态,随访6~12个月,无一例复发。结论在软骨膜下行软骨塑形,不破坏软骨的连续性,不会形成软骨下血肿,术后耳郭外形自然。是一种易于掌握,疗效确切,复发率低的较好方法。 Objective To investigate the treatment of the prominent ear. Methods Preoperative design was in routine way. To cut the posterior auricular skin and subcutaneous tissue and then dissect and push away the cartilage film using the detacher. To make parallel incisions on the cartilage, but not cut through the cartilage. To sew up the ear cartilage by mattress sutures without cutting off the cartilage. The ear cartilage was adjusted appropriately and the natural shape of the ear outline were formed as design. Resuits After 6- 12 months following up, the total of 10 patients were all satisfied with the natural and vivid ear contour, there was no relapse. Conclusion For the appearance of ear cartilage was shaped under the cartilage film, the consecution of the cartilage was not broken, the swollen blood was not formed under the cartilage film and ear contour was natural, this method is safe, easy to perform without recurrence and its final outcome is reproducible and long - lasting.
出处 《中国美容整形外科杂志》 CAS 2006年第4期282-283,共2页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 招风耳 耳软骨 软骨膜 Prominent ear Ear cartilage Cartilage film
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