Introduction The Geological Map of the People's Republic of China in Chinese and English versions was published by SinoMaps Press in 2004, at the scale of 1:2 500 000. It includes eight sheets. The chief compiler is Huang Chongke, and the associate chief compilers are Ye Tianzhu, Chen Keqiang, Wu Kuanlian, Ji Xiaoyan, Gao Zhenjia, Qian Dadu, Tian Yuying, He Yongxiang, Zhang Qinghe, Cao Banggong, Li Long, Shao Heming, Wang Yongqin, Yang Minggui, Zhang Zhongwei, Yao Dongsheng and Zheng Jiankang. More than 100 geologists, cartographers and computer mapping experts took part in the compilation of the map.