
虚拟天文台:科学、工具及应用 被引量:3

Science, Tools and Applications of the Virtual Observatory
摘要 阐述了虚拟天文台的科学目标、可能的基于虚拟天文台的项目、虚拟天文台的作用和意义;着重介绍了目前虚拟天文台项目开发的各种工具及应用.随着各种工具的开发、集成和应用,虚拟天文台的功能将越来越完善,其成功的科学范例再次显示了虚拟天文台的优越性,标志着虚拟天文台正在从“概念”转向“操作”,由“技术”向“科学”靠近,以“科学”为主旋律前进。虚拟天文台将成为天文学家科研工作必不可少的一部分。 The scientific aims, possible projects based on the Virtual Observatory, the functions and significance of the Virtual Observatory are reviewed. The present various tools developed by different Virtual Observatory projects as well as their applications are essentially introduced. With the development, integration and application of various tools, the functions of the Virtual Observatory will be more perfect. The successful scientific cases again show the advantages of the Virtual Observatory. All of these indicate that the Virtual Observatory is turning from "concept" into "operation", from "technology" into "science", and going ahead with the main rhythm of science. The Virtual Observatory will be an indispensable part of astronomers to do research activities.
出处 《天文学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期189-199,共11页 Progress In Astronomy
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10473013 90412016)
关键词 天文学 虚拟天文台 综述 数据分析 数据挖掘 可视化 astronomy Virtual Observatory review data analysis data mining visualization
  • 相关文献


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