

Progress in Plasma Exchange Used for MODS Therapy
摘要 多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)发病机制非常复杂,目前认为与机体炎症和抗炎反应失衡有关。动物及人类多数实验认为持续性血浆置换确实可以降低脓毒症和MODS病人的炎症介质水平,同时减少衰竭器官数量,改善血液动力学指标,增加氧供。能否降低死亡率尚有争议,早期介入效果较好。血浆置换并发症包括发热、过敏反应、出血、循环系统超负荷等。联合应用不同的血液交货技术是今后MODS/SIRS治疗的趋势。 Mechanism of MODS is complex Recently, several animal experiments and clinical studies indicated that Plasma exchange therapy could removed harmful inflammatory cytokines and replaced good factors wgh healthy plasma, and improved circulation,and decreased the number of failure organs in septic shock and MODS palients. It was reported that plasma exchange therapy had decreased mortality in patients with MODS in some studies But the side effects of plasma exchange therapy should be noticed, at the same time and it is importanl that how to select patients and when to use plasma exchange therapy.
作者 陈仲清 杨哲
出处 《麻醉与监护论坛》 2006年第4期219-221,共3页 Forum of Anesthesia and Monitoring
关键词 血浆置换 脓毒症 MODS Plasma exchange MODS Sepsis
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