

A Sallow Investigation of Eisenhower Government’s Policy Towards Cuba
摘要 艾森豪威尔政府初期对古巴革命采取了观望的态度,随着古巴革命的深入发展,美国对古巴逐渐采取敌对政策。经济上采取贸易禁运和经济封锁;军事上秘密准备对古巴的军事打击计划。通过分析美国对古巴政策转变,使人们更清楚地了解美国政府对古巴敌对政策的实施。 The Eisenhower Government in its early regime took the "Want and see" attitude towards Cuban revolution. As it grew deeper, the US gradually took hostile policy towards Cuba. It carried out the measures of commerce embargo and economic blockage and confidentially launched military striking plans against Cuba. This thesis attempts to help people get to know more about American hostile policy towards Cuba through the analysis of the transformation of American policy towards Cuba.
作者 王伟
出处 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期151-157,共7页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 吉林省社会科学基金项目"美国对古巴遏制政策的起源"(2004128) 项目负责人:王伟。
关键词 古巴 贸易禁运 封锁 Cuba trade embargo blockage
  • 相关文献


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