
日韩FTA动向及对中国经济的影响 被引量:1

The Trend of Japanese-Korean FTA and Its Influence on China's Economy
摘要 日韩两国都有明确的FTA(自由贸易协定)战略,两国政府认为日韩之间虽然存在历史问题,但经济合作将会产生巨大效果,也会进一步促进相互间的理解、克服历史问题的制约。中国担心日韩先行建立FTA,使中国在东亚地区合作中陷于被动。另外,由于日韩市场化程度相对较高,日韩FTA具有向心力,因此,中国应积极推进中日韩三国间FTA的同时,不可轻视日韩FTA进程及其可能触发的贸易转移效应。 Although the historical issues still exist between Japan and Korea, both governments believe that economic cooperation will bring great effects, promote bilateral understanding and overcome the restrictions by the unsolved issues. Thus clear FTA (Free Trade Agreement) strategies have been put forward by the two countries. China worries the establishment of Japanese-Korean FTA will make it fall into a passive situation among the cooperation in East Asian regions. Moreover, there is a centripetal force in the FTA between Japan and Korea due to the matured marketing systems in both countries. China should enforce its FTA establishment with Japan and Korea and pays close attention to the process of Japanese-Korean FTA as well as the effect of trade center transfer triggered by it.
作者 田香兰
出处 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期53-56,共4页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
关键词 日韩 中国 FTA 经济 动向 Japanese-Korean China FTA economy trend
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