Web服务业务流程执行语言是一种流程定义语言,它使企业能够描述既能使用又能提供Web Services的复杂的业务流程。在研究了分布式事务处理的核心概念及其特点的基础上,详细分析了Web服务事务规范WS-COOR/WS-AT/WS-BA以及BPEL4WS中的事务处理机制,并举例进行了说明。
BPELLAWS is a defined language of business process which enable enterprise to describe the complex business process which can both use and provide Web services. This paper makes research on the core conception and feature of the distributed transaction, besides, it elaborates on the analysis of the WS- COOR/WS-AT/WS- BA and BPEL' s transaction mechanism with a specific example.
Computer Technology and Development