A silver iodide, (ipq)4Ag418 1, has been synthesized in the presence of ipq (ipq = N-(isopentyl)-quinolinium) acting as a structure-directing reagent (SDA). Compound 1 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group PT, with a = 9.850(2), b = 11.564(2), c = 16.111(3) ,A ,α = 104.64(3), β = 105.73(3), γ = 94.37(3)o, V= 1688.3(7) A^3, Z = 2, D,= 2.205 g/cm^3, F(000) = 1042, C28H33Ag2l4N2, Mr= 1120.90, μ(MoKa) = 4.836 mm^-1, the final R = 0.0363 and wR = 0.0761 for 5465 observed reflections with 1 〉 2σ(I). 1 consists of uncoordinated structure-directing molecule and inorganic moiety tuned by organic SDA. Tetrameric Ag4I8^4- anion in 1 is composed of edgesharing AgI4 tetrahedra and AgI3 planar triangles. Electrostatic interaction between organic counter cations and inorgan!c moieties is present and contributes to the crystal packing. 1 was further characterized with IR, UV-Vis, elemental analysis and cyclic voltammetry. Based on the crystal structure data, quantum chemical calculation with DFr method was used to reveal the electronic structure and optical property of 1.
A silver iodide, (ipq)4Ag418 1, has been synthesized in the presence of ipq (ipq = N-(isopentyl)-quinolinium) acting as a structure-directing reagent (SDA). Compound 1 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group PT, with a = 9.850(2), b = 11.564(2), c = 16.111(3) ,A ,α = 104.64(3), β = 105.73(3), γ = 94.37(3)o, V= 1688.3(7) A^3, Z = 2, D,= 2.205 g/cm^3, F(000) = 1042, C28H33Ag2l4N2, Mr= 1120.90, μ(MoKa) = 4.836 mm^-1, the final R = 0.0363 and wR = 0.0761 for 5465 observed reflections with 1 〉 2σ(I). 1 consists of uncoordinated structure-directing molecule and inorganic moiety tuned by organic SDA. Tetrameric Ag4I8^4- anion in 1 is composed of edgesharing AgI4 tetrahedra and AgI3 planar triangles. Electrostatic interaction between organic counter cations and inorgan!c moieties is present and contributes to the crystal packing. 1 was further characterized with IR, UV-Vis, elemental analysis and cyclic voltammetry. Based on the crystal structure data, quantum chemical calculation with DFr method was used to reveal the electronic structure and optical property of 1.