
表扬与儿童失败后反应的关系 被引量:2

The relationships between praise and children's responses to failure
摘要 有关表扬的研究非常丰富,但对于表扬是否必然对儿童有积极影响这一问题,已有的研究结论并不一致.本文通过大量文献研究发现表扬与儿童失败后反应的关系:(1)个人表扬将儿童取得的好成绩归因于个人特质,过程表扬则将儿童取得的好成绩归因于解决问题的过程;(2)个人表扬更可能使儿童失败后表现出无助反应,而过程表扬更可能使儿童失败后表现出掌握取向反应. The researches on praise are very rich. But as to whether the active affection on children is due to praise, the conclusions are different. By studying plenty document, the paper discovered the relationships between praise and children's responses to failure: 1. Personal praise attributes children's achievements to personal particularity; process praise attributes them to process of solving problems, 2. Personal praise is more possible to make children show helpless responses after fail- ure; process praise is more possible to make children show mastery responses after that.
作者 翟秀军
出处 《周口师范学院学报》 CAS 2006年第5期135-137,共3页 Journal of Zhoukou Normal University
基金 周口师范学院青年基金重点资助项目
关键词 个人表扬 过程表扬 失败后反应 personal praise process praise responses to failure
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