在1974年4月~1983年8月,用RFP剂量不同的方案治疗MB麻风90例,其中LL 66例,BL20例,BB 4例;BI 2.0~3.0的23例,3.1~4.0的48例,4.1~5.0的15例,5.1以上者4例;男性72例,女性18例;年龄16~72岁,平均48.1岁;病期1.5~24年,平均8.5年;初治22例,复治7例,经治的61例均为单用DDS,细菌指数居高不下。
Ninty cases of MB leprosy had taken regimen containing various doses of RMP for six to fourteen months, and the decrease in BI was by 0. 6 and 1. 6 at the sixth and fourteenth month respectively and faster than that among those taking DDS monotherapy (P<0. 01) and clinical improvement was in 83%. The doses of RMP were 450 to 600mg a day, 1200 to 1500 mg a week and 600 mg a month respectively,adding DDS 100 mg a day or DDS 100 mg plus PTH 300 to 50.0 mg a day. The regimen containing PTH caused hepatic damage in 30% .including one case of hepatodystrophy died.