Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic value of dynamic contrast- enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (DCE- MRA) in thoracic and abdominal great vessel disease. Materials and Methods: 31 Cases were studied with 1. 5T novous MRI (made by SIEMENS) on fl3d- cor- fs. The time of which tile radiography pharmaceutical arrived tile Target blood vessels were accurately controlled. Results: 31 cases of thoracic and abdominal great vessel disease included interruption of aortic arch in 2 cases, aorto - arteritis in 3 cases, renal artery stenosis in 2 cases, abdominal aorta sclerosis amalgamate limitation artery stenosis and aneuysm in 1 case, artery sclerosis amalgamate left subclavain artery stenosis in 1 case, aortic dissection in 4 case, lung cancers invaded their pulmonary amies and branches in 5 cases, malignant mediastinal lymphoma invaded heart and around blood vessel in 1 case, Budd - Chiari syndrome in 4 cases , all of cases can be diagnosed clearly, and there are good consistent according with DSA. Conclusion: The function is remarkable among DCE - MRA is in diagnosis of the thoracic and abdominal great vessel disease. It can regard as the first" selected insepection method of disease of chest belly trunk, and to treating directive significance clinically.
Modern Medical Imageology
DCE - MRA Magnetic resonance imaging Thoracic and abdominal great vessel