A time-frequency analysis method isproposed to analyze the shear-horizontal (SH) wavespropagating in an isotropic plate bordered with oneelastic solid layer. To examine the validity of this ap-proach, the SH wave signals simulated by the finiteelement modeling method are analyzed by the reas-signed short-time Fourier transform. The extracteddispersion data are in good agreement with resultsderived from dispersion equations. Results indicatethat an increase in the loading layer thickness cancause a decrease in the group velocity of the SH0mode and the cut-off frequency of higher modes,implying a possibility for the evaluation of the loadinglayer thickness by using this method. The limitationsof this method are also discussed in this paper.
A time-frequency analysis method is proposed to analyze the shear-horizontal (SH) waves propagating in an isotropic plate bordered with one elastic solid layer. To examine the validity of this approach, the SH wave signals simulated by the finite element modeling method are analyzed by the reassigned short-time Fourier transform. The extracted dispersion data are in good agreement with results derived from dispersion equations. Results indicate that an increase in the loading layer thickness can cause a decrease in the group velocity of the SH0 mode and the cut-off frequency of higher modes, implying a possibility for the evaluation of the loading layer thickness by using this method. The limitations of this method are also discussed in this paper.