在事务并发访问数据库的过程中,锁是数据完整性和一致性的重要保证.通过对SQL Server 2000数据库锁机制的研究,介绍了SQL Server 2000数据库锁的概念、粒度和保持以及锁的模式和相容性.对死锁问题进行了具体分析,并提出相应的预防策略;分析了实际应用中用户自定义锁定问题,给出一些相关的解决实例.
The lock is a very important concept to ensure the integrality and the coherence of the data during concurrent transactions visit the database. Understanding the lock mechanisms and grasping the database lock methods is the basis for cooperating in the concurrent operation between users,so that could reduce the deadlock probabilities. Through studying the lock mechanisms of SQL Server 2000,this text has introduced the concept, holding, schema and the consistence of the lock, also bring up some strategies and analyses to prevent the deadlock on concurrent transaction. Self-definition lock problems were analyzed with some examples.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)