
由EGSB厌氧颗粒污泥培养好氧颗粒污泥的工艺探讨 被引量:1

Research on technique of aerobic granular sludge cultivation by seeding EGSB anaerobic granular sludge
摘要 为探讨EGSB厌氧颗粒污泥培养好氧颗粒污泥的工艺,在SBR反应器中以葡萄糖为碳源,EGSB厌氧颗粒污泥为接种污泥,好氧条件运行.观察污泥颗粒形态、结构变化,监测COD,TP,TN,SS,研究厌氧颗粒污泥培养好氧颗粒污泥的过程.研究发现此过程中厌氧颗粒污泥起了一种载体作用.污泥浓度、粒径先降低后增加,沉降性能先降低后提高,45 d后逐渐稳定.培养出的好氧颗粒污泥与接种颗粒污泥相比在粒径、结构等方面有一定变化.稳定后的颗粒污泥具有良好的脱氮除磷功能,COD去除率稳定在94%左右,TP去除率80%以上,TN去除率75%以上. Anaerobic granular sludge from EGSB was inoculated to an SBR, where glucose was used as the carbon source and aerobic condition was kept, in order to research the technology of aerobic granular sludge cultivated by anaerobic granular sludge. The changes of granules' shape, structure, COD, TP, TN and SS are observed in order to study the process of cultivating aerobic granular sludge. The reserches find that the anaerobic granular takes a role of carriers, and the sludge concentration, granular diameter and settlement ability decrease at first and then increase to constant stage for 45 days. And the aerobic granular sludge is different from anaerobic granular sludge at diameter and structureotcetc, and its removal rates of COD, TP, TN can reach 94%, 70% and 60%, respectively.
出处 《山东大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 2006年第4期56-59,共4页 Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science)
关键词 厌氧颗粒污泥 好氧颗粒污泥 降解动力学曲线 anaerobic granular sludge aerobic granular sludge degradation kinetics curve
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