Aiming at the decline of Yunnan silver and copper mine resulting from the poor management, after careful investigation and study, lin Zexu advocated that the ruling class should give the merchants a free hand in collecting funds and running business, whereas it should just exercise the supervisory power, namely, adopting the offcial-controlling and merchantrunning management and administration pattern. In addition, Lin Zexu elaborated that the ruling class should support the factories and mines not only through policies but also through laws and regulations. At the same time , Lin Zexu set forth measurements of guiding the merchants and management methods of coordinating, encouraging, discriminating, examining and approving, charging duty, etc., all of which contributes much to the probing into the official-controlling and merchant-running. It is Lin Zexu's oflqeial-eontrolling and merchant-running thought that was practiced and popularized by oflqeials advocating Westernization represented by Li Hongzhang after twenty years, which became the chief management pattern of the civilian enterprises, and reflected a historical necessity.
Journal of Minjiang University
Lin Zexu
mine governance in Yunnan
offcial-controlling and merchant-running