

Study on the Composition of the Group of County Education Bureaux Directors during the Republic Period (1912—1937)
摘要 县教育局长是民国时期最基层的教育行政长官,其工作生活等各方面的实际状况对基层教育发展影响极大。教育局长的选任、籍贯、资格、待遇等都体现了鲜明的时代特征任命方式主要有选举、推荐、直接任命、考试四种;局长由本县籍担任者占大多数;局长职位主要由师范学校毕业生担任,难以吸引高素质人才;局长的薪酬相对较低并且差异很大;局长的任期很短,不足一年者占大多数,有超过76%的人没有达到法定的任期,许多外在的因素如经济因素、政治因素等迫使教育局长匆匆离职,短暂的任期使其难有作为。分析考察县教育局长群体的构成,可以从一个侧面透视民国时期基层教育的实际状况。 The directors of county education bureaux in the Republic Period (1912-1937) referred to the head of the education administration at grass-roots level, carrying heavy responsibilities of promoting the reform of traditional education and developing modern education. The actual condition of their work and life had great influence on the grass-roots education. This article analyzes the composition of the group of these directors in terms of selection and appointment, native place and avoidance, qualifications and background, salary and treatment, and experience and tenure. Four main methods used respectively in naming the directors of county education bureaux during the period were election, recommendation, appointment or evolutional process from disorder to unification and from overwhelming majority of the directors were from the provinces of them being from the local counties-seldom from other examination, which underwent an permissiveness to strictness. The in which they lived and worked-most provinces. Their qualifications and background were varied and complicated. Most of them graduated from normal school, while a few were graduates of normal college, the education department of university or abroad. The directorship of county-level education was not so attractive to the better qualified. The director's salary differed greatly from province to province, even in the same province. The low-income directors often had to take a part-time job for survival. The moderate salary failed to ensure high efficiency in terms of grass-roots administration. Normally, most of the directors-to-be had worked for five to seven years as county-level educational supervisor or primary/junior high school teacher, etc.-the official position lower than bureau directorship. Few of them had ever served as secondary school principal. The director's tenure was very short, largely shorter than one year. More than 76 % of the directors quit before the expiration of their legal tenure, due to economic, political and some other external factors. The short tenure prevented the directors from performing successfully .
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第5期137-145,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 民国时期 县教育局长 群体构成 the Republic Period (1912-1937) county education bureau director the composition of the group
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