
邺与中世纪东亚都城城制系统 被引量:8

A Study on Relations Between Ye and Medieval East Asia Capital's Programmer System
摘要 邺是公元3—6世纪中国历史上的重要都城之一,其城由南、北二城构成,坐北朝南,布局规整,形制呈横或纵长方形。宫城位于都城北部中央,以宫城主建筑为基点设一南北中轴线,宫城、郭城相套呈“回”字形,主要建筑围绕基本点沿中线左右对称布置。城内街路纵横交叉,形成棋盘状街区,每一街区即一里坊,坊市位于宫城南之中线两侧,城门名按方位、四时命设,其设计规划反映出建造者的“天象”意识,力求“天、地、人”完美和谐。这一城制初具于东汉后期,经曹魏、后赵、东魏、北齐不断改进,最终在邺南城的制度中得到总结。邺城城制开启了隋唐都城制度,影响及于明清之北京;并于公元六七世纪传播至朝鲜半岛和日本,对平壤城、开城、汉城、藤原京、平城京等起了重要影响。东亚各国古都城制沿承因革,形成各自的城制系统,又因其共性,构成中世纪东亚都城城制系统,而这一系统的源头均在邺。 Yecheng was an important capital in 3 -6th century Chinese history. The city, which leaned against north towards south, was constituted by south and north cities that linked each other. Its distribution was orderly. The plane appearance of the city was a transverse or vertical rectangle. The palace was located in northern center of capital, and it was the base point of the north - south centerline. The palace and the city were distributed symmetrically along the centerline. The roads and streets interlaced each other that make the blocks to be chessboard shape, each area was a Li -Fang. Beside palace, the marketplaces were located at south, both sides of centerline. The city gates were named according to position and four seasons. All the design and programming of the city reflected the builder's thought of "Heaven", for the wonderful harmony about the "Heaven, Earth and Human" was strived by them. The city's shape was formed on the later period of East Han Dynasty, improved continuously by Caowei, Houzhao. Dongwei and Beiqi Dynasties. Finally the southern Yecheng summarized the all above. Daxing, Changan that was the capital of Sui - Tang Dynasties, had carried the city system of Yecheng forward, and to affect Beijing of Ming - Qing Dynasties. In 6 - 7th century, this system was spread to Korea and Japan, and made significant influence on the construction of Pyongyang, Gaeseong, Seoul, Fujiwarakyo, Hirarokyo, etc. China, Korea and Japan had their respective ancient capital systems. But due to the common character of them, The Medieval East Asia capital's programming system was established, and Yecheng was the source of it.
作者 牛润珍
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期105-114,共10页 Hebei Academic Journal
关键词 邺城城制 中世纪 东亚都城系统 City system of Yecheng the medieval times East Asia capital's programmer system
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