

On the Gauss Map of Spacelike Hypersurfaces with Constant Scalar Curvature in De Sitter Space
摘要 在这篇文章中,我们研究在de Sitter空间中具有非负常值的第r个平均曲率的紧致的类空超曲面.我们证明了在合适的条件下紧致的类空超曲面是全脐的. In this paper,we consider compact spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space with constant nonnegative r-mean curvature, We prove that the compact spacelike hypersurfaces are totally umbilical under appopariate hypothesis.
出处 《数学研究》 CSCD 2006年第3期223-228,共6页 Journal of Mathematical Study
基金 Research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(No.10371047).
关键词 高期映射 de SITTER空间 类空超曲面 第r个平均曲率 Gauss Map de Sitter space spacelike hypersurface r-mean curvature
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