1Joseph Murphy & Lynn G. Beck, School-Based Management as School Reforms, California: Corwin Press. Inc.,1995.
2Office of Education Research, School - Based Management, Consumer Guide, January 1993.
3Jane L. David, Synthesis of Researeh on School - Based Management, Educational Leadership, May 1989.
4National Study of Charter Schools, The State of Charter Schools: 2000, (Fourth - Year Report), Washington, DC: U. S. Dapartment of Education, 2000.
5Hudson Institute, Charter Schools in Action Project: Final Report, 1997, Indianapolis, IN: Hudson Institute, 1997.
6Bruno V. Manno et al. ,How Charter Schools Are Different: Lessons and Implications from a National Study, Phi Delta Kappan, March 1998.
7Mark Walsh, Belitimore Vote Ends City's Contract with EAI, Education Week, December 6, 1995.
8Peter Schraq, 'F' Is For Fizzle, The Faltering School Privatization Movement, The American Prospect, Issue 26, May-June 1996.
9William C. Symonds et al. They're Spreading Fast. Can Private Companies Do A Better Job of Educating America's Kids? Business Week Ordine, February 7, 2000.
10Mark Walsh, Ka-Chiag! Business Cashing in on Learning, Education Week, November 24, 1999.