
我国大城市农民工与市民社会距离的实证研究 被引量:37

The Social Distance between Workers with Peasantry and Civil Society in Chinese Big Cities in A Positive Approach.
摘要 社会距离是人与人之间或群体与群体之间关系亲密或疏远的程度和等级。社会距离可分为主观社会距离和客观社会距离。距离的等级可分为近距离、中距离和远距离。西方社会学认为,文化差异、隔离、居住时间、社会地位差异等因素都对社会距离的形成具有影响。实证分析表明,农民工与市民的社会距离属于远距离等级的泛泛之交,双方交往机会很少,主观距离比较大。大部分市民对农民工持排斥态度,双方交往具有非对称性。与西方社会距离研究相比,文化差异、地位差异和空间隔离等因素依然是影响农民工与市民社会距离的重要因素,制度限制或制度供给不足是影响社会距离的深层次影响因素。因此,缩短社会距离的主要对策是转变政策理念,建立公平、公正、合理的城市政策。只有这样才有利于逐步提高农民工的社会地位,缩短文化差异,为和谐社会构建铺平道路。 The social distance between workers with peasantry and city residents is a main issue now, these two classes differ greatly in subjective and objective social distance. It is a non - symmetric that workers with peasantry associates with city residents each other, citizen treats workers with peasantry with a cold or bad manner in the process of their association. In according to western research concerned, there are some important factors which effect their social distance between workers with peasantry and civil society, such as cultural difference, social status difference and space isolation, the systems in short supply is also a deeper key factor which effects this social distance. So, the main measures which shortage this social distance, raise the social status of workers with peasantry and construct a harmonious society are to change old national policy principles, and to set up fairness, justice and reasonable city" policies.
作者 卢国显
出处 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2006年第4期95-104,共10页 Journal of People’s Public Security University of China:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目"农民工与市民的社会距离:一个制度分析"成果之一 立项号:04CSH002
关键词 农民工 社会距离 社会地位 制度 社会和谐 workers with peasantry, social distance, social status, system, a harmonious society
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