
眼肌型重症肌无力的治疗进展 被引量:4

Therapeutic Progress about Myasthenia Gravis of Ocular type
摘要 眼肌型重症肌无力引起上睑下垂和(或)复视等临床症状,影响患者的日常生活和工作。它被认为是一种轻型的疾病,但临床上约有一半的眼肌型患者肌电图表现为全身神经肌肉功能紊乱,且44%~53%的眼肌型患者有可能进展为全身型的重症肌无力。有资料证实应用免疫抑制疗法减少了眼肌型患者进展成全身型的频率。在权衡免疫抑制疗法的利弊后可根据患者的情况制定个体化的治疗方案。 The clinical features of ocular myasthenia gravis mainly include ptosis and diplopia, which affect the daily life and work of patients. Although it is not regarded as a serious disease, about 50 % patients show generalized neuromuscular function disorder in electromyogram, about 44% - 53 % patients maybe developed into generalized Myasthenia Gravis. Some data show that immune depressive therapy can decrease the frenquency of changes from ocular type to generalized type. We can design individualizedtherapeutic methed according to the condition of patients after weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this immune depressive therapy.
出处 《医学综述》 2006年第18期1126-1127,共2页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 重症肌无力 眼肌型 治疗 Myasthenia gravis Ocular type Therapy
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