

Expression of Hepatic Heat Shock Protein 70 Induced by Microwave Irradiation on Liver Territory in Rabbits
摘要 目的 采用20W、2450MHz微波照射家免肝区,观察照射过程中肝前区温度及肛温的变化,并于24小时后从家兔肝右中方叶前缘取组织用免疫组化方法检测HSP70的表达。方法 健康成年家免13只,对其中4只在微波照射过程中肝前区温度及肛温的变化进行测定,其余9只分为两组,一组(n=4)取肝组织用免疫组化方法观察照射前肝HSP70的表达,另一组(n=5)进行微波预处理,24小时后观察肝脏HSP70的表达。结果 肝区微波照射过程中,家兔肝前区温度升高0.5~2.2℃,肛温升高0.5~0.7℃,24小时后肝细胞核内有HSP70的高表达,而预处理前动物肝细胞内无或仅有低水平HSP70的表达。结论 肝区微波照射过程中肝前区温度及肛温有轻度升高,24小时后肝细胞核内有HSP70的高表达。 Objetive To observe the change of intra - anual and peri - hepatic temperature during the period of microwave preconditioning, the expression of HSP70 in hepatocytes was also examined with immunohistochemical method 24h after pretreatment. Method The body and peri - hepatic temperature of 4 of 13 rabbits(group 1, n = 4) were measured with thermometers placed in anus and between the abdominal peritoneal cavity and the liver surface, respectively. The other l0 rabbits were divided randomly into 2 groups. The specimen were collected from the right middle lobe of the liver of the rabbits in group 2(n = 4) and group 3(n = 5) to dectet the expression level of HSP70 in hepatocytes before and after microwave preconditioning, respectively. Results The intra - anal and perihepatic temperture rasied 0.5 - 0.7 ℃ and 0.5 - 2.2 ℃ during the period of microwave preconditioning respectively, and HSP70 was highly expressed in hepatocytes pretreated 24 h later. Conclusion There was a mild rise in temperature of intra - anus and peri - liver during the preconditioning and HSP 70 was highly expressed in the hepatocytes 24 h after proconditioning.
出处 《南华大学学报(医学版)》 2006年第2期188-190,共3页 Journal of Nanhua University(Medical Edition)
关键词 微波 肝脏 热休克蛋白70(HSP70) 诱导 表达 microwave heat shock protein70(HSP70 ) induction expression preconditioning liver
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