
浅谈妇产科学教学改革 被引量:4

The preliminary discussion on the teaching reform of gynecology and obstetrics
摘要 为培养实用型和创新型医学人才,对妇产科学课堂教学、实践教学等各个教学环节进行了改革,旨在使学生系统地、全面地和连贯地理解妇产科学的教学内容,并得到初步的临床思维能力培训,从而为社会提供合格的医学人才。 In order to train practical and the innovation medicine talented person, this article has carried on the discussion in view of the gynecology and obstetrics teaching method, the goal is through the classroom instruction, the practical teaching and so on each teaching link, the system, comprehensive, coherent makes the students to understand the concrete content of the gynecology and obstetrics, and is under preliminary clinical ability of thought training, provides qualified, the practical medicine talented person for the society.
出处 《中华医学教育杂志》 2006年第3期82-83,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education
关键词 妇产科学 教学改革 临床教学 Gynecology and obstetrics Teaching reform Clinical teaching
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