
“阳”加速器钼丝X-pinch初步实验研究 被引量:1

Preliminary experimental study of Mo X-pinch on "Yang" facility
摘要 在“阳”加速器上进行了直径分别为10,15,20μm,交叉角为32°,45°,60°的钼(Mo)丝X-pinch实验。“阳”加速器产生的电流峰值约520 kA,上升时间80 ns。实验中通过X射线功率谱仪和纳秒分幅相机等仪器对Mo丝X-pinch辐射特性进行了诊断。实验表明:Mo丝X-pinch过程中会出现多次X射线爆发,箍缩过程中产生的热点辐射出能量超过3 keV的X射线,探测到的最小热点直径小于30μm。 A series of experiments studying Mo wire X-pinch were carried out on "Yang" facility. This facility generated a peak current of about 520 kA with 80 ns rise time. The X-pinch load was composed of two identical Mo wires with a diameter of 10 μm, 15 μm or 20 μm, crossing at an angle of 32°,45° or 60°. X-ray power meter and X-ray framing camera were utilized to measure the power of the X-ray radiation and take X-ray imaging respectively. The results showed that one or more intense X-ray bursts occured and hot spots emitting X-rays of energy exceeding 3 keV were formed. The smallest hot spot was less than 30 μm in diameter.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期1359-1362,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助课题(10035030)
关键词 X-PINCH X射线成像 热点 等离子体 加速器 X-pinch X-ray imaging Hot spot Plasma Accelerator
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