
农民工遭社会排斥的原因探析 被引量:4

An Inquiry into the Cause of Peasant Workers,Exclusion by the Society
摘要 农民工遭社会排斥表面和直接的原因是,农民工自身受教育水平较低,技能素质普遍不高,在就业上有务工平台和用工平台的缺乏。事实上城乡二元结构的计划体制才是农民工受教育机会不平等,导致自身素质较差,进而形成就业机会不平等、遭受社会排斥的根本原因。 The direct cause for pearant workers' exclusion by the society is that they themselues have a lower education which leads to their lack of skills and in employment they are deficient in the platform for recruitment. As a matter of fact, the planning system of the urban and rural dual structure is the fundamental reason for their unequal education, their poor qualities, their unfair opportunity of employment and their exclusion by the society.
作者 申自玉
机构地区 河南大学
出处 《平顶山学院学报》 2006年第4期13-14,22,共3页 Journal of Pingdingshan University
关键词 农民工 社会排斥 原因探析 peasant workers social exclusion harmonious society
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