灯光设计软件把灯光设计人员从传统低效率的手工设计中解放出来,成为灯光设计师高效的辅助工具,只要有一台计算机,设计师便可以随时随地设计出多姿多采的舞台灯光效果。本文主要介绍了能够应用于电视与舞台灯光设计的软件SOFTSPLOT8 3D(SP8 3D)的主要功能,对SP8 3D系统的界面和常用功能进行了概括性的描述,并以小剧院的灯光设计为例,对SP8 3D软件的设计方法和步骤进行了详细的说明,实现了灯位图和灯光效果图的设计。
The lighting design software liberates lighting designer from the traditional low efficiency manual design, it becomes the lighting designer's highly effective auxiliary means. So long as there is a computer, the designer may design varied picks of stage lighting effect at anytime and anywhere. This article mainly introduces the main function of software SOFTSPLOT8 3D(SP8 3D), which can be applied in the television and stage lighting design. It has carried on the concise description to the SP8 3D system interface and the commonly used functions. Meanwhile, taking a small theater lighting design as the example, this article has carried on the de- tailed explanation to the SP8 3D software design method and the steps, then realized the design of the lighting plot and the lighting effect picture.
Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications