

New Fourier Expansion Differential Method for Analyzing Waveguide with Arbitrary Cross-Section
摘要 首次提出一种新的分析任意截面波导的傅立叶展开-差分法,并对一种新型截断圆波导进行了分析,获得了其模式分布.该方法概念清晰、表达直观、计算简单易行,对于解决微波工程问题中波导性能的分析计算有着一定的参考价值. A new Fourier's expansion-differential method for analyzing waveguides with arbitrary cross-section is presented, and a new type of truncated-circular waveguide is analyzed. The mode distribution is obtained. The method has advantages of direct-viewing expansion, simplicity and easy computation, therefore it is applicable to analyzing and calculating waveguide characteristics in microwave engineering.
出处 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期543-546,共4页 Journal of Applied Sciences
关键词 傅立叶展开-差分法 任意截面波导 截断圆波导 微波工程应用 Fourier's expansion-differential method waveguide with arbitrary cross-section truncated circular waveguide microwave engineering application
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