
Biomechanical and clinical study on screw hook fixation after direct repair of lumbar spondylolysis 被引量:4

Biomechanical and clinical study on screw hook fixation after direct repair of lumbar spondylolysis
摘要 Objective: To evaluate the biomechanicai effect and clinical results of hook screw fixation after direct repair of lumbar spondylous defects in the pars interarticularis. Methods : L2-L6 spines of 8 fresh-frozen and thawed calf cadavers were used for mechanical testing. Bilateral spondylous defects were created in the L4 vertebra. The intervertebrai rotation ranges between L4 and Ls were scanned and computerized in various states of motion, such as flexion/extension, lateral bending and torsional ioadings applied on the intact spine and the spondyious spine when the spondylous spine was fixed with modified Scott' s fixation, hook screw fixation and Buck ' s fixation sequentially and respectively. Between July 2002 and February 2004, 14 young male patients (aged 15-31 years) suffering from symptomatic lumbar spondyiolysis were treated with TSRH hook screw fixation after direct repair of the defects. MacNab criteria were used to assess their preand post-operative status. Results: Each fixation technique could significantly increase the intervertebral rotational stiffness and made the stiffness return to nearly the intact level. Hook screw technique provided more rotational stability than the others. Hook screw and Buck' s techniques provided more flexion/extension stability than modified Scott' s technique. Neither complication nor instrumental failure was observed in this study. The mean follow-up period was 21 months. All the patients except one acquired union during the follow-up period. Thirteen patients had a " good " or "excellent" result according to MacNab criteria. Conclusions : Hook screw fixation shows biomechanicai advantages and is safe and effective for young patients with lumbar spondyiolysis.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2006年第5期288-292,共5页 中华创伤杂志(英文版)
关键词 Fracture fixation internal Surgicalinstruments Spondyiolysis BIOMECHANICS 椎骨脱离 生物力学 临床表现 治疗
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