Objective:To study the neuroradiologic features of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNET) on MR and CT. Methods: CT and MRI appearances of 6 patients with surgery and pathology proved DNET were analyzed retrospectively. The parameters included tumor location, size, MR signal intensities, mass effect, degree of contrast enhance ment and intra-tumoral heterogeneity. All of the 6 patients had routine MRI. Of these, 4 patients had FLAIR and diffuse weighted images (DWI),3 patients had MR spectroscopy. 5 patients had CT without contrast administration. Results: Five DNET patients showed solitary lesion and one patient had diffuse lesions. Typically,DNET located or mainly located in cortical or sub-cortical white matter. The solitary lesion showed a reversed triangle in shape and a predominant cystic component. On CT,all lesions showed low attenuation and one had calcification. On MR images,tumors appeared as low singal intensity on T1WI and high signal intensity on T2WI. At the periphery and septa of the tumor,high signal intensity was assessed on FLAIR images. After contrast administration,mild enhancement could be found at the intra-tumoral solid nodule or septations. No peri-tumoral edema was found. Conclusion: Findings of intra-tumoral " septations", reversed triangle in shape and absence of peri-tumoural edema were the characteristic neuro-radiological features of DNET. Imaging examination might be helpful for the diagnosis of DNET.
Radiologic Practice
Magnetic resonance imaging
Tomography,X-ray computed
Brain neoplasms