
一种快速鲁棒的唇部建模方法研究与实现 被引量:3

Research and Implementation of a Method for Robust and Fast Creating of Lip Model
摘要 快速提取完整的嘴唇外形是计算机人脸动画和语音动画的首要任务之一,模仿真实感的嘴唇,建立逼真的唇部模型是该文的主要目的。文中主要采用Red Exclusion与C r色调分离相结合的唇部检测方法。该方法首先利用肤色模型快速准确确定出人脸区域及嘴唇检测区域,然后在RGB空间采用红色排除法,在已有的唇部区域中只考虑绿色和蓝色光谱将唇部从背景图像中分割出来。最后利用此法得到的唇部信息与变形模板方法相结合建立唇部模型。该算法对近百幅人脸图片进行嘴部提取实验,结果令人满意。该方法能够快速检测出完整的嘴唇外形,建立较好的唇部模型,为人脸动画提供唇部素材及唇部模型。 Getting the shape of whole lip is one of the primary steps of the facial animation and speech animation systems. The paper aims at modeling lip with reality and creating verisimilar lip model. In this paper a new approach for lip detection based on Red Exclusion and Cr hue is presented. In this approach, firstly, face region and lip detection region are located with skin - color model . Secondly, the R - component is excluded in RGB color space and G - component and B - component are used to separate the lip from the background. Finally , The lip model is created by deformable templates and lip information got form this approach. This approach has been proved correct by experiments with hundreds of images and the results are almost the same with those we have expected. The experiment resuits showed that the fast approach is very efficient in detecting the whole lip , creating a good lip model and offering lip information and lip models for facial animation.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2006年第9期207-210,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 唇部检测 红色排除法 色调 变形模板 Lip detecting Red exclusion hue Deformable templates
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