该文在介绍了某直升机工程飞行模拟器控制中心的总体结构、功能和特点的基础上,针对各个分系统分别基于Vx-W orks、DOS、L inux等多种操作平台的模拟器系统仿真环境特点提出了一种采用混合网络协议模型的通讯模式。并深入讨论了控制中心开发过程中解决的几个关键问题,设计出控制中心的应用层网络协议,保证了控制中心命令信息正确传输和实时大流量仿真数据的接收、以及组件技术在实际工程中开发过程中的应用等问题。
On the basis of deep researching on techniques related to the helicopter simulator whose components are based on Vxworks, DOS, Linux, we propose and build the structure module, dynamic module and mix - protocol net module of the console system frame, and resolve the management of multi - task, two - screen show and the switch of views of dynamic monitoring. On the basis of deep researching on characters of net protocol, we design the application layer protocol of console system, which guarantees the right transfer of the command and the real - time transfer of great flux data. We also study the RTOS thoroughly so as to solve the management of the multi - task problem, and redesign a COM model to simplify the code.
Computer Simulation