
复吹转炉溅渣护炉技术的应用 被引量:1

Application of technology of furnace protection by slag-splash in combined blown converter
摘要 武钢一炼钢“平改转”新建转炉时,即考虑转炉溅渣护炉与转炉复吹寿命同步问题,转炉第一个炉役炉龄即达6 040炉,2005年5月20日2号转炉停炉时,复吹寿命、炉龄同步达到21 161炉。转炉炉役后期复吹的底吹流量达0.05 m3/(min.t),转炉复吹率达100%,碳氧浓度积达0.002 7,取得了较好的生产实绩。 In the project of transformation of open hearth furnaces into converters in the No. 1 Steel-making Plant of WISCO, the problem of how to synchronize the technology of furnace protection by slag-splashing with extension of the furnace campaign life has been already taken into consideration. As the results when the first furnace campaign life of the No. 2 converter arrived at 6 040 heats and the furnace down on 20^th/May 2005 both the combined blow life and the furnace campaign life attained 21 161 heats synchronistic ally. In the later stage of the furnace campaign of the converters the bottom blow rate of the combined blown converters came up to 0.05 m^3/(min·t), the combined blown ratio of the converters is 100 per cent, concentration multiplication of carbon and oxygen is 0. 002 7. Better production results have been achieved.
出处 《炼钢》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第5期4-7,18,共5页 Steelmaking
关键词 复吹 溅渣 炉龄 combined blow slag-splashing furnace campaign
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  • 1《炼钢-连铸新技术800问》编辑委员会.炼钢-连铸新技术800问[M].北京:冶金工业出版社,2004.
  • 2日本学术振兴会制钢第19委员会.制钢反应の推荐平衡值(修订增补)[M].东京:日本学术振兴会,1984.




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